Frequently Asked Questions

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Where can I buy Just Eat gift cards

Republic of Ireland customers can buy official Just Eat gift cards from our online store

Can I buy physical gift cards?

We offer both physical and digital (egift) cards online. Our physical cards are printed on sustainable card (never plastic) and will be delivered via post. You can also include a personalised message for the lucky recipient, delivered on a slip in the envelope with a gift card. Each physical gift card will be delivered in its own envelope.

How does a digital gift card differ to a physical card?

If you buy a digital gift card, we'll send a unique gift card code to the email address of your choice. You can also include a personalised message for the lucky recipient. Each digital gift card is emailed separately.

Can I buy any value of Just Eat gift card?

You can choose from six different values of gift card – €15, €20, €25, €30, €40 and €50.

Why can't I buy more than 10 gift cards online?

The maximum number of gift cards you can buy on our website is 10. If you would like to place a larger order, please contact us via this form.

How long does it take to receive the gift card after I have placed the order?

A digital gift card will be sent to the email address of your choice. It should arrive within one hour of purchase. A physical gift card will be delivered to the postal address of your choice. Postage times will vary depending on the address and Royal Mail postage option you select. If your gift card does not arrive within the expected time frame, our Customer Care are available to help.

Do Just Eat gift cards expire?

Yes. Just Eat gift cards expire after five years. Anyone receiving a gift card has five years from the date of purchase to redeem the gift card onto their Just Eat account.

Can I spend my gift card in person at Just Eat restaurants?

Gift cards can only be used to place a takeaway order on the Just Eat website in the Republic of Ireland.
The gift card cannot be used at other Just Eat sites around the world, or directly at Just Eat restaurants. For the full Just Eat Terms of Service please click here.

How do I redeem the gift card online?

Log into your Just Eat account, or register for a Just Eat Account. Visit Your account, go to Redeem a gift card and enter your gift card PIN. (Your gift card PIN can be found under the scratch panel of your physical card, or the 12 digit number provided in your digital gift card email.)
Your account will be credited with the amount on the gift card.
Alternatively, if you have a digital gift card, click or tap the 12 digit PIN in your gift card email.
You can only redeem the gift card via the website. Please note gift cards can’t currently be redeemed via the mobile app.

How do I know if I have redeemed my gift card?

Go to your Just Eat account. Visit Your account, and go to Account credit. If you've successfully redeemed your gift card, it shows here in your account balance history.

What happens if I do not have enough account credit to pay for a full takeaway order?

If you do not have enough account credit to pay for a full takeaway order, you can pay the remaining balance by credit or debit card.

Can I reload my gift card with more money?

No, but you can buy more gift cards. Choose from six different values of gift card – €15, €20, €25, €30, €40 and €50.

What are the Gift Card Terms and Conditions?

For full Terms and Conditions click here.

I need help with my order or with my gift card - who can I contact?

You can chat with us, email us, or call our customer care team. Click here to see our contact info..